Wednesday, October 21, 2009

new latest country malaysia

Ever since I arrived back in Malaysia earlier this year, I have been carless. And as with every other Klang Valley denizen short of private transport, I have had to rely on a series of trains, buses, cabs and my own two feet to reach my job and various other appointments and engagements around Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur. For the most part, I am impressed with the system. It is easy to use, relatively cheap and available at all hours. I can offer no complaints about the LRT system, including the series of feeder buses that work from each station to deliver you to your final destination. Both systems are clean, comfortable and frequent.

Taxis however, bring me some mixed emotions. To use a taxi is an uncertainty. Unlike the train and bus service, which is as predictable as math, taking a taxi in KL can be a varied experience. A perfect ride might be defined as a readily available taxi with a clean interior, a properly functioning metre, and a friendly and knowledgeable well-kept driver whose priority is travelling the quickest, most efficient route available. On the other hand - and their always is an other hand - there is the filthy cab that takes ages to show, with a 'fixed metre' and a rude, arrogant, unhygienic driver who knows exactly how to make the journey long, slow and highly profitable.

But like life, a taxi ride in Kuala Lumpur is usually something in between. And I've taken enough cabs in Malaysia to experience just about everything short of being robbed at knife point.

malaysia maps
malaysia picture
malaysia buildings
amazing malaysia
malaysia best burj
Malaysia is facing a difficult time due to the global economic downturn but the country has still not entered into recession, Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop said. The government is prepared to take proactive measures to stimulate the economy in the country and ensure that the people, especially the unemployed get better treatment through the strategy that will be presented under the country’s
upcoming mini budget.
malaysia night
malaysia 02
malaysia burj wiew
malaysia sea wiew
malaysia burj
top malaysia burj
amazing malaysia
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